What is Age Tech?
You can find multiple definitions for “Age Tech” online. They range from defining Age Tech as the intersection of longevity and technology to Age Tech is any type of technology that improves the lives of aging adults.
There are plenty of blog post and articles about innovative start up companies and exciting new products that will help alleviate isolation and help keep older adults safely at home.
But, what you can’t find is a listing of Age Tech products and services that are available to consumers now.
I’ve seen wonderful start ups fail because they became paralyzed by perfection. Products, even in their early stages, that would have made a difference in an older adult’s life but the company failed because they couldn’t get the product in the hands of the consumer.
This is the reason for this site. To help the consumer find a solution to their problem today while helping the company get in front of the consumer.

My Background-Professionally
I’ve been in the professional aging space since 2006 when I started Apple Care and Companion, a non-medical home care agency in Dallas, Texas with my mother. I was the president of the Dallas Area Gerontological Society for 4 years in addition to being a long time Board Member. In 2018, I founded Conversation Ready NTX, a grassroots organization to help people talk about and share their wishes for end of life care. I went back to school and received my masters in Aging Studies in 2020.
My Background-Personally
I have been blessed to have longevity in my family. My paternal grandpa lived to 96 while my grandma lived to be 100 and 1 week. Their daughter, my aunt, recently passed away at 102. My Dad is 95. My maternal grandmother lived to be 94. I became a caregiver for my mother for the last few years of her life. She died from complications of lung cancer. I am currently fortunate to be able to offer help to my in-laws when they need it.
Early Adopter
I’ve always been intrigued with the idea of aging and technology. I’ve been approached and have tested many products over the years. Many were a bit ahead of their time. Some were too expensive, some too complicated and some were just too buggy. In 2013, I co-founded the iACT (Innovation in Aging, Caregiving and Technology) Summit with a couple of other colleagues. Our goal was to educate and bring people together to find solutions to help our aging adults. We had a nice run but ended iACT in 2015.
The Time is Now
The technology of aging is now. The tech has advanced so products are easier to use and many are now reasonably priced.
There are 2 major hurdles. The first is the older adult embracing and utilizing the technology and the second is getting the information to the consumer.
I believe that if we can get the information to the family caregivers, decision makers and older adults themselves, the aging adult will be willing to try the technology.
Can you help us spread the word?
Please share this website with your family, friends and influential providers who serve aging adults.
Do you have a product or service and want to be listed?
We welcome your feedback.
Drop us a note and let us know what you think. We look forward to hearing your suggestions.